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Palo Santo Holy Wood incense Sticks 5 inch

Palo Santo Holy Wood incense Sticks 5 inch

Purify the space/meditation/meditation
Ingredients: 100% American Palo Santo wood+ natural adhesive
Number of sticks: about 200 sticks/box
Net weight: 150G/7 inches; 110g/5 inches
Burning time: about 45 minutes/piece/7 inches; about 30 minutes

Until 2025-02-14T02:00:00.000+00:00 滿萬禮:「青春無痕乳」美白抗皺版50mL,珍貴集萃無法久存,請儘早使用完畢。 on order

Until 2025-02-14T02:00:00.000+00:00 2/14 AM10:00前,滿2000送 去角質凝膠10ml on order

滿1,500TWD|約375HK 台港澳星馬泰 免運優惠 on order

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Palo Santo wood, also known as Inca holy wood, is like frankincense, myrrh and cobalt incense in South America. It is a sacred incense tree. As long as there is sacred wood in the home or office, it can bring self-purification to the space.

This fragrance is made of 100% natural American palo Santo wood, processed and manufactured by MIT Taiwan, and does not add chemical fragrances or miscellaneous woods. Natural health preservation, longevity and fitness, meditation for the Buddha's best choice, home health maintenance and health protection. The scent is strong and elegant, with a long lasting fragrance, the best fragrance for incense/meditation meditation.

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Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Tcat - Room Temp.
  • FamilyMart Store Pickup (e-map)
  • 7-11 Store Pickup (e-map)
  • 7-11 跨境宅配順豐到府🔸港澳星馬泰(滿3,000TWD|約750HK免運|約129星元),約3-7日抵達(不含例假日)🔸訂單「已確認=發貨中」
  • 7-11 Cross border home delivery
  • 郵局國際航空包裹掛號EMS-荷蘭

Payment Options

  • Credit Card (Support Visa, Master, JCB)
  • LINE Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • JKOPay
  • Bank Transfer
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